Environmental permitting
For our clients we offer environmental consulting services as a part of environmental support during preparation and construction phase of investment projects as well as during operation of the facilities. Environmental consulting services are available to a client from the very beginning of investment project through obtaining an operational permit. The services to offer include:
- selection and evaluation of a development site with respect to availability of natural resources
- environmental site assessment (ESA) with respect to recent and past contamination
- environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the planned activity
environmental permitting within building permitting process
- air emission sources
- water treatment facilities
environmental permitting during operation permitting process
- operation of air emission sources
- operation of water treatment facilities
- waste water dicharge permit
- hazardous waste permit
- spill response plans
- documentation required within Integrated prevention and pollution control (IPPC permit)
- elaboration of internal manuals and procedures of facilities with respect to environmental laws and health and safety laws
- outsourcing of environmental management and health and safety management of a facility during operation